Friday, May 1, 2009

April's Tasks....RoboCon'09!

March and April around here are really geared towards getting the Robot and his support props prepared and ready for the big Sci-Fi Convention here in Denver so the BatCave News Blog suffers from lack of attention. It's now May, the convention is over and post convention fatigue has a firm grip on my body. For at least three months I am planning coming up with cool props and designing the convention's T-Shirts. This year was particularly stressful because I added a tribute project to the mix for Bob May. Also as if I didn't have enough stress my wife was having serious issues with a large kidney stone and was in the hospital for twice for operations and complications two weeks prior to the convention! Then my mother had heart surgery the day before the convention!! Somehow everyone made it through and I was able to complete all the upgrades to the Robot, not only did he get a new pair of shoes (wheels and treads) he got new feet and legs to match! To read more and see convention pics clink on the Untied Robot Alliance link. Both Kaye and my mom are recovering slowly but nicely.

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